MY Odyssey Translation!!!
My summary of the odyssey is of the beginning of Book 2.
At first this assignment seemed hard, and I was not really looking forward to it- but after looking at the Odyssey again I enjoyed putting it into my own words. is a translation by Samuel Butler from 1900, and the website I used to look at Book 2. is a translation by DW Myatt from 1996 that I also used to look at Book 2.
When the beautiful red morning sun started to shine through the bedroom window, Telemachus woke up, showered and got dressed. He put his sandals on his feet, brushed his teeth and put his sword over his shoulder before leaving the house looking handsome as ever. Then, he sent an announcement around to call the everyone of the town together for a meeting. Telemachus does not travel alone, so he took his two cute little dogs with him to meet at the gathering place. After walking by the people of the town to get to his seat, the most prestigious men even made space for him to pass through. Telemachus had a classy presence to him as he took over his fathers chair.