War Poetry
I looked at the poem, Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell, and I realized that it was similar to the Mark Twain poem, The War Prayer, for the fact that poems about war are very truthful, honest, and to the point. Also, I have found that these poems contain a large amount of imagery that has you think of things you have never seen and never thought of before. I do not like the fact that these poems are sad, but they are real, so after reading them you think about alot of things that are not usually on your mind. The Shooting an Elephant Poem is interesting because he writes it like a story and it has so many details in it. Orwell tells you exactlly what was going on, and what he was thinking. Part of the poem, "But at that moment I glanced round at the crowd that had followed me. It was an immense crowd, two thousand at the least and growing every minute. " is an example of that.
In my English 3070 class right now, we have are doing some things on poetry and two of the books we are using in the class are called, "Poems of Protest" and "Cry Out: Poets Protest the War". The books are filled with poems by famous authors about their opinions and views on war.
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