Alicia's Blog

Hi! My Name is Alicia and this blog is for my English 1100 class at Western Michigan University.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

War and Terrorism

My roommates and I just watched the movie, Munich. As we watched it, we were talking about this english class and our blogs, and how it could relate to a blog posting. The movie is about terrorism, and the attacks in Munich, Germany in the 70's during the Olympic games. There were 11 Olympians that died on the terrorist attack, but in the next few months, many more died. People hire people to find things out- and money is a big part of who helps who-- it is a big crazy circle, and kind of hard to explain. If you have not seen the movie, we reccomend it. It is almost three hours long, but you learn quite a bit about the lives people live and what people go through in different parts of the world.


Blogger Allen Webb said...

I saw that movie, too. It was powerful and frightening. I really showed how the Israeli secret service upped the stakes in the "war on terror." One thing we really might talk about is the role of Israel in all of what is happening in the Middle East these days.

11:14 PM  

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